Pet Custody Cases On The Rise
There is an upswing in the number of couples who have fought over the custody of a pet during divorce proceedings in the past five years, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and Time magazine. Pet custody cases are certainly not an everyday...
Couples Free To Split As U.S. Economy Improves
With Florida’s economy and housing market recovering, more couples who had to put off divorce because of finances are now able to separate and get on with their lives. People are finding it easier to land new jobs and more women are entering the labor force, giving...
Valentine’s Day Smack-Dab In Middle of “Divorce Season”
Valentine’s Day was less than two weeks ago, so it’s hard to believe we’re in the height of “divorce season,” as many legal professionals have called this time of the year. Divorce attorneys across the country prepare for an uptick in dissolution business January...