Understanding Alimony: Basics and What to Expect

Understanding Alimony: Basics and What to Expect

Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is a legal obligation for one spouse to provide financial support to the other after separation or divorce. This financial support is aimed at helping the receiving spouse maintain a lifestyle similar to that...

FAQ: Alimony

Question #1: What is alimony? A: Also known as spousal support, alimony is an agreement or court order that is reached during divorce proceedings and results in one spouse having to pay the other spouse to help cover their various expenses. Spouses can also receive...

Adding Fuel to the Alimony and Custody Reform Fire

On April 15, 2016, Governor Rick Scott vetoed a controversial bill that would have overhauled the state’s laws related to alimony – essentially ending permanent alimony and instead basing alimony decisions on formulas relating to the length of the marriage and...